Distance Funerals and
Available 24 hours a day

It may be that you wish the deceased to be moved to, or from, another country. We are fully conversant with the complexities of these types of funerals and will liaise with the necessary repatriation specialists, consular officials, airlines, and Coroner to ensure the special requirements are properly handled.
Funerals at a distance
It may be that you wish for the whole funeral or just the burial or cremation to take place away from the local area. We are quite used to this and distance is no object. We will be able to advise on the costs involved and how best to facilitate your wishes.

Burials at Sea or on
Private Land
We have the experience and expertise to carry out either of these services and will assist in liaison with the appropriate authorities in order to gain the necessary permissions. As the specification can be quite exact, we will be able to give you an estimate of the costs involved and explain any questions you may have.

Occasionally it may be necessary to move the deceased from one grave or ashes plot to another. This can be for legal reasons or because of family wishes and may sometimes involve considerable distance. We can discuss your requirements and the legal necessities should you need to consider this.
a funeral

Our website is designed to offer guidance on the options available, explain the legal complexities involved and help you make the right decisions.
chesil house, an exquisite venue

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